
How to access the hidden level of Whimsyshire

Generally, the player will seldom pay attention to the hidden levels. But the weapons the hidden levels will bring are can not be ignored. It’s always the important way to get the top equips. So let buy d3 gold share you how to get in the Whimsyshire.

  First, enter this hidden level, you need Cattle Rod. You need the following items to make it:

  Black mushroom; Wirt's Bell; Liquid Rainbow; Gibbering Gemstone; Leoric’s Shinbone; Plan:Starf of Herding.

  The recipe: Drop by Izual at the diablo 3 gold daymare.

  The drawing of Nightmare is sold by the trader near the mercenary at chapter 3.

  The Hell Purgatory sells it directly for one gold.

  The Black mushroom: the rooms on the first floor in the cathedral have little chance to get.

  Wirt's Bell: it worth 1 billion gold, the little girl on the Secret camp sells it.

  The Gibbering Gemstone: you can refresh either the Frost caverns or the Falling-ice caverns.

