
Analysis of the speed brush efficiency of the code (3)

Last passage we analysis the factors that affecting the blacks’ efficiency, now d3 gold refer to all the factors and then find out what can be improved.

  To additions of drop and experience:

  The MF / GF provided by the Equipment diablo 3 gold and P levels: Many people say that the drop rate is depend on luck, I’m a people without good luck, so I never believe that when the sample is more than enough, it will have chance to drop no matter how small the chance is, like 1%. I’m so unlucky that no drop for all the hundred times.

  But if I raise 1% to 5%, no drop for 100 times, the possibility is very low. if you run into a 5% chance without drop for 100 times, then you are lucky enough to come across a small probability event, but maybe the next time you will encounter a small probability event off a super Need.

  So I believe the data, although http://www.d3goldsell.net/5076_111_analysis-of-the-speed-brush-efficiency-of-the-code-(3)_news.html it is only a small chance of chance, as long as you brush enough, there will certainly be what you want.

  Addition of experience provided by the equipment: ruby, hell rings, ring, Kane sets, each equipments add experience, will make you lose some other things, this is about your wallet and trade-offs.

  The additional drop and experience MF / GF of MP: this acquisition is of price, a higher monsters injury and blood, which needs support of higher Armor and DPS. It is recommended to do only in the current difficult you are unable to improve or enhance less.

