
Analysis of the speed brush efficiency of the code (2)

Last passage we analysis the factors that affecting the blacks’ efficiency, now d3 gold refer to all the factors and then find out what can be improved.

  About the killing time:

  Panel ATK: different panel DPS will directly affect your killing efficiency. To this, I do not say we all know.

  Life steal: with this, you can buy diablo 3 gold ignore all affixes except frozen, just regard all the elites as normal monsters, have a fast sweep to clear them.

  Energetic Blacks: an effective way to increase output, with it you have to give up TP, but it's easy to operate.

  The high DPH weapons: Blacks light http://www.d3goldsell.net/5072_111_analysis-of-the-speed-brush-efficiency-of-the-code-(2)_news.html is the main output, the light damage is 100% weapon damage to 1/3 of the weapon between attacks to 100% weapon damage, cycle like this all the time, the first 100% weapon damage is immediately 125% high-energy.

