Online game virtual item trading refers to the network game users through services provided by game operators and the network game operator pre-set rules to get the virtual items in the game, then various channels to transfer the virtual items with payment to other players, it’s kind of transaction behavior between an individual user.
Now the trading on the market for network game mainly include online game virtual currency and virtual items. To World of Warcraft, refer to the wow gold and wow items. The important difference between online game virtual currency and virtual items are: online game virtual items is still within the game program, but the online game virtual currency exists beyond the program. Current virtual items trading channel mainly can be divided into three categories: (1) independent and traditional third-party virtual items trading platform, including professional virtual goods trading platform and third party integrated trading platform with virtual goods business; (2)take use of a variety of communication channels between users, through public means of payment or cash, independent contact direct trading channels; (3) game operator provide technical support for new third-party API automatically virtual items trading platform.
During 2012, wow virtual item trading market to keep the overall growing amount. According to the statistics, 2012 wow market trading volume is about 27.6 billion dollars, up 35.3% from a year earlier. From transaction type, wow virtual currency trading volume is about 14.5 billion dollars, up 58.0% from a year earlier, accounting for about 52.5% of the whole trading volumes; wow virtual item trading volume is about 13.1 billion dollars, up 16.8% from a year earlier, the overall slowdown, accounts for about 47.5% of the whole trading volumes.
Due to network game virtual items trading belongs to the category of the secondary market, compared to the primary market sales volume at the same time, sell ratio was 0.21:1, sell ratio is fell, by 12.5% compared with last year, activity showed a trend of decline in the market.,191249.0.html,191250.0.html