Industry tracking firm the NPD Group, today released its 2013 Gamer Segmentation report, from which we know that game industry continues to grow.
In those groups, the so-called “free and mobile player” by NPD become the biggest part. In the online survey of 8831 players, NPD Group found out that 29% of which belong to free and mobile players, which is increase by 2% from a year earlier. Will it become a threaten to the games in charge like World of Warcraft? Some players can't help concern about the future of the wow gold. To this, Blizzard indicated that we will make some adjustment about this in the future, but not now.
To the other group, the avid omnigamer is the only one with the growth trend, that is the players who always play in multiple systems, like the host and the PC. This group occupied 16% of the NPD survey.
Another part, leisure, core, family and social players decreased compared to the same time of last year. Although the number of players has decreased, only 10% this year. Apparently core host players are still very important in the game industry. They spend money more than any other players, the players were distributed in five different platform (the Xbox 360 is one of the most). In addition to this, the core host players will use their game systems to do other things, such as watching movies.