Blizzard spokesman for the BBS, Taepsilum has further explained the schedule mechanism of elastic copy mode:
At present, our idea is to make the schedule mechanism of elastic copy mode similar to the progress mechanism of the random group, you can repeat to defeat the boss, which always can get the corresponding reward, for example with a good luck rune ROLL equipment, obtain the courage points, and you can also pick up to a few small items from the trash, not need to talk about the wow gold reward.
Elastic copy mode also has some unique things, I will explain here:
If you have already defeat the No.1 boss in the 12 people elastic copy mode, and then leave the team. And then you join the 20 people elastic copy mode, you will probably have to the defeat the No.1 again.
How this mechanism works?
In the new 20 people elastic team, if everyone like you all have already defeat the No.1 boss, then you don’t have to hit it again. But if there is one who didn’t defeat the No.1 boss in your new 20 people elastic team, you will have to repeat once again.