
Position of halidom and water material in watermoon plain

As the last activity area for players, the watermoon plain map is quite large, and this copy is relatively more, in order to let the players has good experience, area with only a material or for blade soul gold the main story into the copy, there is no collection in the post here, hope you forgive blade & soul gold.

  Sirius tomb areas:

  Crock group brewing plant: two holy mountain, one valley water

  Beast of prey cave: two holy mountain

  The wolf protoss camp: the holy blade and soul gold mountain and valley water each one

  Imperial army rendezvous: two valley water

  Red mountain villa areas:

  Imperial army transport team: two jade water purification

  Standard institute: two treasure jade holy

  Stone strange caverns: two jade water purification ,one treasure jade holy

  Blood pig family nest (mainline) : two treasure jade holy, one jade water purifying

  Half moon lake area:

  Water frog family: two http://www.bladesoulonline.net/5311_108_position-of-halidom-and-water-material-in-watermoon-plain_news.html treasure jade holy, one jade water purifying

  In addition the fish man hole has a treasure jade holy, in the small BOSS flying anvil stations.

  Spirits areas:

  Underground warehouse: holy jade, jade pure water each one

  White fog forest area

  Spirit and cave: two holy mountain

