
Novice popularization of science the against common sense equipment

The greatest feature of the Diablo 3 gold series is the random properties, equipment various parts of the properties are randomly generated. The floating properties of randomly generated within a certain range is known as affixes. Let us not strictly distinguish between cases properties and affixes is one thing. Completely clear the property still need a little time to hope that this article will definitely help the novice.

  The offensive attributes specific equipment, such equipment subversion law generally yellow installed affixes. Heap dps equipment in non-offensive site, the most famous of the three equipment: the Mempo of Twilight, Lacuni Prowlers, the Witching Hour is the pursuit d3 gold of high dps favorite players.

  The Mempo of Twilight: as a helmet comes with 8-9% attack speed, you can make dps improved significantly, with a 6 crit is astronomical.

  Lacuni Prowlers: attack speed in the wrist area, if random crit, then upgrade to dps far more than the general wrist.

  The Witching Hour: the belt comes with the attack speed and crit damage, the same improve dps artifact.

  In addition to these three, some other common equipment also has a similar effect, but these defects are more obvious.

  Andariel’s Visage: http://www.d3goldsell.net/5417_111_novice-popularization-of-science-the-against-common-sense-equipment_news.html commonly known as the security head

  Advantages: the civilian version of the Twilight mask its own attack speed and crit probability, as long as the random out of the hole, is very valuable.

  Disadvantages: equipment in addition to its ugly extremely, as well as comes with punitive properties of defects, an additional 5% -25% of the fire damage, injury elite strange skills most fire damage pick when you need to pay attention to selecting low hurt the flame.

  Echoing Fury: commonly known as bug Hammer

  Advantages: they can increase the attack speed of the deputy equipped in the main hand, can significantly enlarge the DPS, the high DPS lovers essential

