
Key points of dual wield no ancestors anger hit the red door

1. Assembling.

  To the boss, although without affix can also has a second people ability, fittings to equilibrium, the measurements are qualified. Output is not particularly high, generally don’t take apart one of the best guarantees no BUFF has more than 550 + 5 + 55000 blood resistance vampire, panel doesn’t matter, after 3 minutes and 8 minutes to play. Barbarian with less money to hit red door can passive to take vampire, weapons no vampire output will be higher.

  To buy some D3 gold, you can get the more powerful weapons.

  2. Technique.

  I like to play under the individual be fond of. Battle fury, resistance, are permanent BUFF, so that in the case of without ambition also have the EHP and 200 000 of 1 000 000+ panel, pay attention to is the whole way. As long as not be seconds remaining very mindless, standing diablo 3 gold pile with boss, slam from nu ancestors nu, move back and forth to keep people, constantly refresh ambition let domineering 35% reduce injury also covered most of the time. No ancestors anger reduction can more practice to maintain slam the destruction of buff, affirmation can improve the efficiency.

1 条评论:

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