
Ten characteristics of the kungfu master in Blade and Soul

First of all, Blade soul gold want to say that this article is not detailed introduction kungfu master skills or equipment, it is comprehensive analysis, standing in the most basic and practical angle analysis kungfu master this professional post, the purpose is to guide you for kungfu master interested in new people to the correct understanding of the professional and less detours, early achievement kungfu master .

  Kungfu master ten major characteristics:

  1. All occupations, blade and soul gold kungfu master have lead to abnormal state skills of at least.

  2. Kungfu master skills chain skills is quite few.

  3. Kungfu master health is of all professional the minimum.

  4. Although the kungfu master is remote, but still to 16 meters range, to be able to attack.

  5. Kungfu master crit rate is not all occupations most strong, assassins and boxer crit rate than you will not low, even sometimes higher.

  6. Kungfu master in play monsters need to move the number of times and the distance is all occupations most! Not one of it.

  7. Kungfu master http://www.bladesoulonline.net/5335_108_ten-characteristics-of-the-kungfu-master-in-blade-and-soul_news.html is the most dependent on all professional monsters negative accumulation state! Not because one of the main output which is on the fire damage accumulation.

  8. Kungfu master team defense skill full professional most give force.

  9. Kungfu master group control skills and group attack skills in all occupations highest cost-effective.

